What are the best one-liners from sci-fi books?

“There's something to be said for hunger: at least it lets you know you're still alive.” — Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake

There's also something to be said for the beautiful pairings of words into well-shaped phrases, the meaning of which sparks joy, sadness, wisdom, and deep understanding in our hearts when we read it.

Science fiction plays an important role in forcing us to question the meaning of our day to day lives and the status quo of the world around us.

This week's poll asks for you to think of the quotes that struck fear and wonder, laughter and awe, into your heart when you read it. Add your nomination(s) below and then vote on your favorite(s).

We base our lists on the votes and nominations from this blog and our Facebook Reader group, and we want to hear your opinion!

What are the best quotes/one-liners from a sci-fi BOOK?
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Time to Choose: What are the best one-liners from sci-fi books?

Last week's poll asked for you to think of the quotes that struck fear and wonder, laughter and awe, into your heart when you read it. And you delivered with over 1,000 votes on more than 50 nominations! From the hilarious to the thought-provoking, there's something to be said for each and every one of them. (Click here to check out the complete list of nominations)

It's time to decide.

We narrowed down the list of your nominations to the ten most voted for. Now let's figure out what the best ones are out of this group!

*This list is made up by combining votes from this blog and our Facebook group.

Time to choose: What is the best one-liner/quote from a sci-fi book?