What Is The Best Sci-Fi Audiobook Of All Time?

“Well, I've listened to the audiobook, if that counts.' 'It definitely counts,' Tilly said.”
― Anna James, Tilly and the Bookwanderers 

We're kicking this week's poll off with a little wisdom straight from the pages of a children's book, because despite what the odd cynic will tell you, listening to the audiobook totally counts. Is it a different experience? For sure. But reading is reading, no matter the format, and we happen to love them all, including audiobooks!

That said, as any audiobook lover knows, not all are created equal. A spectacular story can be made lacklustre by a narrator that is poorly matched to the material; a great narrator can elevate an average book, and can take even a five-star narrative to the next level. 

With that in mind, this week, we want to hear about your favorite audiobooks and the kick-ass narrators who brought them to life! We've kickstarted the list with some of our favorite audio productions, but as always, this is a democratic process and we are excited to hear your nominations!  Please nominate as many as you'd like here or in our Facebook group and remember that for this opening round, you can vote for as many as you'd like as well! 

What Is The Best Sci-Fi Audiobook Of All Time?
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13 replies
  1. Shelley
    Shelley says:

    YOU morons left out maybe ONE or TWO HUNDRED authors who are better writers and storytellers than ANYONE on YOUR list. How about David Weber’s “Honor Harrington” books???

    Christ YOU are lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Robin Cruce
    Robin Cruce says:

    The Honor Harrington Series by David Weber is narrated by a wonderful reader! Her vocal range is impressive, and she doesn’t mix the character voices up where it would be extremely easy to do so!

  3. John Hull
    John Hull says:

    You have no box to check for ‘None of the above’? I’m a huge sci-fi fan and have been since I was a little kid. I’ve read a large chunk of the books in your list, and I have a number of favorite authors, but I have never listened to an audio book in any genre, let alone sci-fi. I have a problem with audio books as a concept. I prefer reading them myself, in hardback format. If I had to pick a favorite series and author it would probably be ‘The Lost Fleet’ and its associated offshoots, by Jack Campbell.

  4. slywlf
    slywlf says:

    I have never listened to any SF audio books, but I will be watching this with some interest, as I have just started membership with Chirp (can’t afford the big name audio book subscription).
    In the past my experience with audio books was…..lackluster. I tend to fall asleep if I listen in bed, and get too distracted listening when working around the house (so no listening in the car!). But now that I am semi-retired I am giving the format another chance and may try out a couple of the winners 😉

  5. Paul
    Paul says:

    I’m slowly going through the Terry Pratchett Ringworld series, and they’re pretty great, so I’d like to add please.

    Man, I didn’t think it would be such a touchy subject. The choices are based on what the editors listened to, so chill out if they happened to not listen to ones you rave about, that’s why they have the option there to add it to the list for voting. I sometimes like listening to audio-books when I’m travelling if the book is right for me. The only thing I think that could improve any audio-book is if they have a male and female narrator, I know, probably budget, but it’s sometimes a bit odd to hear when it’s just a man reading a Woman’s bit, or Woman reading a Man’s bit, and just confusing if they don’t even try and sound the part. That’s my 2 cents worth anyways.

  6. ChickJ
    ChickJ says:

    Sorry I don’t do audio books. I can read faster then I can hear. (And I can remember the written word, audio I forget as soon as I hear it. Ask my wife. )

  7. Teressa
    Teressa says:

    Anything narrated by R C Bray👍👍👍 The Hell Divers series by Nicolas Sansbury Smith and the Titanborn series by Rhett C Bruno were both terrific. I read when I can but when I walk the dog every morning and driving to and from work are when I listen to audio books.


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