Top Military Sci-Fi Books

The Discover Sci-Fi community has thousands upon thousands of military sci-fi fans among its ranks. Military sci-fi is wildly popular, owing in part to its often epic scope, its focus on futuristic technology and breathtaking action, and among much else, its frequently thought-provoking themes. It’s no wonder we’re all drawn to it! There are almost too many great military sci-fi books out there to properly define the best of the genre, but we like a challenge, so we’re going to try. And you, dear readers, are essential to our mission.

Back in 2019 we polled our readers about your favorite military sci-fi series at the time, and after a cut-throat round of voting this top 10 list of titles prevailed.

Now, 5 years later, we turning the question back to you to see how the list may have changed.

So, we've catalogued twenty of the best military science fiction books and series in the poll down below, and we’d love for you to vote for your favorites. Vote for as many as you’d like, and if think of any that aren’t on the list but that you feel deserve a mention, please shout it out in the comments.

Okay, ready? Let’s do this!  

The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2022: Voting Round!

Many thank-yous to everyone who nominated their favorite sci-fi books published in 2022 for our year end readers' choice awards! 

Nominations poured in from readers across the globe, and once again we ended up with hundreds of incredible titles! As with previous years, we’ve taken the list and narrowed it down to the books that received the most nominations. Those books are the ones that will be moving on to the voting round!

Ready to see if your pick made it to the next round? Let’s go! 

Scroll down to see the titles moving forward and select your favorite. Next week we'll publish a list of the top ten from this group. Want to discuss the titles nominated? Leave your thoughts in the comments here on wander over to the Discover Sci-Fi facebook group and chime in there!  


Voting now closed. See you for next year's awards!

The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2021: Voting Round!

Thank you to everyone who nominated their favorite sci-fi books published this year for our year end readers' choice awards! There were dozens of titles nominated by readers across the globe, underscoring what a fantastic year 2021 was for sci-fi fans. We have taken that hulking list and narrowed it down to the books that received the most nominations and we're now ready to move on to the voting round! 

Scroll down to see the nineteen titles moving forward and select your favorite. Next week we'll publish a list of the top ten from this group. Want to discuss the titles nominated? Leave your thoughts in the comments here on wander over to the Discover Sci-Fi facebook group and chime in there!  

Voting now closed. See you for next year's awards!

Time to Vote: What Is the Best Sci-Fi Book of 2022 (so far)?

“Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you'd most like not to lose.” – Neil Gaiman

With so many books being released every day, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your time! Especially  if—like many of us—you already have a TBR list that will outlive you. In these moments, your community of fellow readers has your back! Last week we asked the Discover Sci-Fi community to nominate the books they thought were the very best of 2022 (so far!) and dozens of great titles were added to the poll. 

Now, it's time to decide.

We narrowed down the list of your nominations to the sixteen most voted for, and now it's time to figure out how they rank! This week you only get one vote, so make it count! 

*As alway this list is made up by combining votes from this blog and our Facebook group.  

Voting now closed. See you for next year's awards!

Time to Vote: What Is the Best Sci-Fi Book of 2022 (so far)?

“Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you'd most like not to lose.” – Neil Gaiman

With so many books being released every day, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your time! Especially  if—like many of us—you already have a TBR list that will outlive you. In these moments, your community of fellow readers has your back! Last week we asked the Discover Sci-Fi community to nominate the books they thought were the very best of 2022 (so far!) and dozens of great titles were added to the poll. 

Now, it's time to decide.

We narrowed down the list of your nominations to the sixteen most voted for, and now it's time to figure out how they rank! This week you only get one vote, so make it count! 

*As alway this list is made up by combining votes from this blog and our Facebook group.  

Time to Vote: The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2024… So Far!

The cosmos of science fiction has never been more vibrant and imaginative than in 2024. Last week, we called upon you, our fellow explorers of the unknown, to nominate your favorite sci-fi novels published in the first half of this year. The response was phenomenal! We received an outpouring of nominations, each one a testament to the creativity and innovation that continues to push the boundaries of this beloved genre.

Today, we're excited to announce that the nomination round is over and it's time to move on to the next phase: the voting round. This is your chance to weigh in on which novels you believe deserve to be crowned The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2024… So Far!

This round we're pinning you down to one book from the list of titles below, and then at the end of June we'll announce the winners.

The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2024… So Far!

As we voyage through the cosmos of 2024, the first half of the year has already gifted us with an abundance of stellar science fiction novels that have set our imaginations alight. The creativity and innovation seen in the new releases are nothing short of extraordinary, promising a bright future for the genre.

While the classics of the Golden Age of Sci-Fi remain dear to our hearts, the current wave of talented authors are carving out their own legacy. These modern storytellers are captivating us with fresh ideas and thrilling narratives that push the boundaries of what we thought possible.

It is in that spirit that we are asking you to nominate your favorite sci-fi books published so far in 2024. We'll be holding the voting round in a few weeks time and you'll be pinned down to one selection then, but for now nominate as many as you'd like.

*Please remember to include both the title and author name in your nominations. Eligible books must have been published between January 1st and June 15th, 2024.

The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2022… So Far!

“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.” – Douglas Adams, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy'.

We're well on our way to spinning around the sun once again, but this time in the year 2022. And already with these five short months behind us, the quantity and quality of new science fiction novels to grace the bookshelves of readers everywhere is astonishing!

While we love to reminisce on the Golden Age of Sci-Fi (who doesn't?) it's just as rewarding to follow the writers who are making a splash on the scene in the here and now. 

It is in that spirit that we are asking you to nominate your favorite sci-fi books published so far in 2022. We'll be holding the voting round in a few weeks time and you'll be pinned down to one selection then, but for now nominate as many as you'd like.

*Be sure to submit both the title and author name. Qualifying nominations must be published between January 1st and June 15th, 2022.

Voting now closed. See you for next year's awards!

The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2022: Nomination Round!

"The days are long, but the years are short"  —Gretchen Rubin

We cannot believe 2022 is coming to a close. Blink and it's gone. Did this year feel like a busy one for you? Have you had a chance to pause and look back at all the great books you read this year? Whether you have or not, we invite you to do that with us now. Go. Do it now. We'll wait... 

How many 2022 releases did you find on your list? Are there any that you have not been able to stop talking about? Any you can't stop recommending? 

We are getting ready for our 2022 retrospective, our look back at the science fiction releases of the year. Is there a sci-fi book published in 2022 you'd like to tell the world about? 

We're listening.

Using the nomination form below nominate your favorite sci-fi books published in 2022! We'll be holding the voting round in a few weeks time and you'll be pinned down to one selection then, but for now nominate as many as you'd like.

*Be sure to submit both the title and author name.

Voting now closed. See you for next year's awards!

The Best Sci-Fi Books of 2024: Voting Round!

The Nominees Are In—Now It’s Time to Vote!

The science fiction stories of 2024 have taken us on epic adventures, sparked our imaginations, and reminded us why we love this genre so much. From mind-bending tales to heart-pounding journeys across space and time, you’ve helped us celebrate the very best with your nominations.

Now, it’s time to narrow it down.

The DSF Awards Voting Round Begins!

The nominees are set, and the time has come to cast your vote for the standout sci-fi reads of the year. Which book deserves the title of Best Overall Sci-Fi of the Year? This is your chance to champion the stories that moved you, thrilled you, and left you turning the last page in awe.

And don’t forget—this year’s winner will receive the first-ever DSF Award Trophy, a symbol of the innovation, creativity, and vision that push science fiction forward.

So, which book will rise to the top? That’s for you to decide.

Click below to cast your vote and help us crown the standout sci-fi book of 2024!

 Here are the official details about the awards process.

Voting is now closed. See you for next year's awards!

Check Out 2024's Winners Lists here:

Best Sci-Fi Books of 2024

Best Sci-Fi Audiobooks of 2024

15 Must-Read Sci-Fi Books of 2024