Time to Decide: Which Sci-Fi Books or Series Haven’t Been Made Into a TV Series or Movie… But Should Be!

Last week we put out a call for your favorite sci-fi books or series that have yet to be brought to the screen and WOW were you guys ever full of great suggestions! Between the blog and the Discover Sci-Fi Facebook group, there were over 100 titles nominated and hundreds—no, thousands—of votes were cast. This week ten of those titles are advancing to the second round of voting, and now...

Now, it's time to decide.

We narrowed down the list of your nominations to the ten most voted for, and now it's time to figure out what the best ones are out of this group!

*As always this list is made up by combining votes from this blog and our Facebook group.  

Time to Decide: Which Sci-Fi Books or Series Haven’t Been Made Into a TV Series or Movie… But Should Be!

21 replies
    • Keith S
      Keith S says:

      Stainless Steel Rat, where else can you get comedy GOLD, a villain you want to win, and the insanity of the world being used to win.
      Pern is awesome and would be a visual treat

  1. Andy Thomson
    Andy Thomson says:

    I always thought Wasp by Eric Frank Russell would have made a good film. It wasn’t really possible for many years but with motion capture and digital graphics available now it would be much easier and the theme is still relevant.

  2. Bob
    Bob says:

    As I read your intro I immediately thought of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. One of the great SciFi classics. Great characters, wild plot, and very little need for massive special effects. Super computer decides to help save the loonies from Earth’s greed.
    So many great books mentioned, all worthy

  3. David Stinson
    David Stinson says:

    Clarke’s “Rendezvous with Rama.”
    Clarke’s “Childhood’s End.”
    Keith Laumer’s “Bolo.”
    Heinlein’s “Friday.”
    So, so many…..

  4. Dean
    Dean says:

    Joel Shepherd’s “Cassandra Kresnov” series would make a terrific series (definitely not a movie though: you’d have to lose all the subtlety, philosophical reflection and character development if you squeezed it into two hours).

    It’s got action, politics, intrigue, legal proceedings, firefights, terrorism, prejudice, and probably one of the best-drawn almost-human synthetic protagonists ever to appear in science fiction. (Think android, but without the usual tropes that apply). …And it’s all done really, really intelligently.

  5. Earl Dingman
    Earl Dingman says:

    I didn’t vote for either THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS or THE FOUNDATION since my understanding is they are being made as either a motion picture or TV series.

    STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND would require an R rating and since this book was inspired by the 60’s free love and polygamy, both of which are frowned on by a large majority and free love in the era of AID and Herpes is not as free as it used to be. Plus I’d hate to see how they update this one.

    I voted for Ringworld, but personally I’d rather see Rendezvous with Rama done for TV. But Ringworld is a close second.

  6. Steven Samnick
    Steven Samnick says:

    I would haves voted for several of the choices provided, as most would be the basis for an excellent series if done properly. I admit I’m not familiar with all the choices, but chose the Omega Force collection for the following reasons:
    1. 12 books and more to come.
    2. Well developed characters who interact in complex ways, as most groups do when they are like family.
    3. Being a small group, the interactions can easily be contained to a series that doesn’t get too complicated for viewers.
    4. They have character, integrity, vulnerabilities, and work as a team.
    5. Over the course of the series you see the characters grow, become more independent and individualistic, and even suffer through difficult times.
    6. Generally, interesting stories that have led to the current story arc.

    PS. Surprised that the Human Chronicles by T. R. Harris were not included as that has similar features and a somewhat unique premise. Plus 20+ novels for a series to build on.

  7. Steven Samnick
    Steven Samnick says:

    There are also great series by Evan Currie and B.V Larson that would lend themselves well to the movies or possibly a TV series.


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