Time to Decide: Which Secondary or Ensemble Sci-Fi Characters Deserve Their Own Spin-off?

Good secondary characters are incredibly important to a story and, when written particularly well, it can be hard not want more, not to wonder what a book might look like with that character as the protagonist.

Last week we put out the call for nominations for secondary or ensemble characters who deserve their own spin-offs and as we always do for these polls, we received dozens of great entries; many of the most voted for among those—Data, Worf, River Song, Derrial Book—it turns out, already have books in which they are the protagonists. Among the remaining top contenders...

...it's time to decide.

We narrowed down the list of your nominations to the ten most voted for, and now it's time to figure out which one is the most deserving! 

*As alway this list is made up by combining votes from this blog and our Facebook group.  

Time to Decide: Which Secondary or Ensemble Sci-Fi Characters Deserve Their Own Spin-off?

4 replies
  1. Jim Ellis
    Jim Ellis says:

    We know where Hazel Stone winds up later in life. The tale from TMIAHM to then would be a fun adventure, probably several volumes.

  2. Torbjörn Larsson
    Torbjörn Larsson says:

    I had to vote for Hazel, but seeing how she already had her spin-off in The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. it’s a bit unfair to the rest. But I have to agree with Jim Ellis, the description of the in between events could be padded to fill volumes.


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