After his first enlistment as an avionics technician on B-1B bombers, he left the military and worked in the aerospace industry in various capacities while earning a master’s degree in aeronautical science.
During this time, he continued to write as a hobby, occasionally submitting a short story or novel for publication.
In 2012 he discovered indie publishing so he dusted off the dream of being a writer one more time and in 2013 released his first published novel.
He has since left the engineering field and has dedicated himself fully to being a writer and storyteller. Josh is an Iraq War veteran and currently lives with his wife and son in Ohio where he spends his free time working on classic cars and volunteering for veteran causes.
You can follow Joshua on Facebook & Twitter.
Want a free copy of his book Blueshift? CLICK HERE to subscribe to the Discover Sci-Fi Newsletter and get your free copy (plus 9 others!).
NEW FRONTIERS (The Expansion Wars Trilogy Book 1)
The Phage War had been a devastating conflict for the Terran Confederacy. Even with the destruction of their terrifying, implacable foe, humanity is still reeling. Political alliances are crumbling and their mighty fleet is in tatters. There is nothing to celebrate, even after such a complete victory.
New Frontiers is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
IRON & BLOOD (The Expansion Wars Trilogy Book 2)
A human planet has been invaded. The enigmatic Darshik have landed troops on a frontier world and have begun subduing major cities even as their blockade repels all attempts by the fledgling United Terran Federation to mount a counteroffensive.
Iron & Blood is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
DESTROYER (The Expansion Wars Trilogy Book 3)
The Darshik war machine is flagging, but the war is far from over. Even as an exhausted Federation military tenses up for a counterattack after repelling the last Darshik invasion, reports are coming in of a new, more powerful class of ship that's striking deep into Terran space.
Captain Jackson Wolfe has been given the fleet's newest, most advanced destroyer and tasked with eliminating this new threat before it can claim any more human lives. What he finds, however, is immeasurably more dangerous than just some new class of starship … it's a horror that could lead to the destruction of both their species if it isn't stopped.
Destroyer is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
WARSHIP (The Black Fleet Trilogy Book 1)
In the 25th century humans have conquered space. The advent of faster-than-light travel has opened up hundreds of habitable planets for colonization, and humans have exploited the virtually limitless space and resources for hundreds of years with impunity.
So complacent have they become with the overabundance that armed conflict is a thing of the past, and their machines of war are obsolete and decrepit. What would happen if they were suddenly threatened by a terrifying new enemy? Would humanity fold and surrender, or would they return to their evolutionary roots and meet force with force? One ship—and one captain—will soon be faced with this very choice.
Warship is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
CALL TO ARMS (The Black Fleet Trilogy Book 2)
Captain Jackson Wolfe survived the initial incursion of a vicious alien species into human space … barely.
He had assumed the juggernaut that had devastated three Terran systems was the herald for a full invasion, but for the last few years it has been eerily quiet along the Frontier.
Jackson now struggles to convince the Confederate leadership the threat is still imminent and needs to be taken seriously. While powerful factions make backroom deals he is desperate to find irrefutable proof that the invaders are coming and that if humanity expects to survive they must marshal their forces and make a stand. Now.
Call to Arms is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
COUNTERSTRIKE (The Black Fleet Trilogy Book 3)
Captain Jackson Wolfe never thought he’d see the end of the Phage War in his lifetime. The enemy was too powerful, too numerous, and utterly determined to exterminate humanity.
But the appearance of a new ally in the fight has changed all of that. For the first time since the original incursion Wolfe thinks that maybe there’s a chance to stop their implacable enemy before they have the chance to wipe out any more human planets. That opportunity comes at great cost, however, and even as he makes plans for their first offensive move on the Phage, Jackson is all too aware that most of them will not survive.
Counterstrike is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
OMEGA RISING (Omega Force Book 1)
Jason Burke was a man hiding from himself in a small cabin high in the American Rocky Mountains when his simple, quiet life was shattered one night by what he first assumed was an aviation mishap. But when he investigates the crash, what he finds will yank him out of his self-imposed exile and thrust him into a world he could have never imagined.
Omega Rising is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE (Omega Force Book 2)
After the daring rescue of a political dissident, Omega Force is contracted to investigate a rash of violent attacks on civilian shipping lanes within a group of star systems known as the Concordian Cluster. It seems a simple enough job with a huge payday at the end and it’s exactly what the ragtag group of mercenaries needs in order to keep their ship flying and to stay one step ahead of those hunting them.
Soldiers of Fortune is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
SAVAGE HOMECOMING (Omega Force Book 3)
Ever since he joined Omega Force, Captain Jason Burke has lived with the underlying fear that one day Earth would be discovered. His desire to keep Earth's existence and location a secret has driven him to extremes, and kept him far away from his homeworld for a long time.
Savage Homecoming is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
THE ENEMY WITHIN (Omega Force Book 4)
The quadrant is burning.
Violent, deadly uprisings are breaking out, seemingly at random, all across the Confederation’s sphere of influence. The response by the powerful Confederation Fleet has been swift and decisive, but for every planet they restore order to, another erupts into chaos.
The Enemy Within is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
RETURN OF THE ARCHON (Omega Force Book 5)
Each member of Omega Force carries his own baggage. Most of them are running from their past, or simply trying to forget it. One member of the small mercenary crew is not who he claims to be, however.
When his former life collides with his current one, the team is drawn into a conflict that could have profound consequences for the future of an entire species. Captain Jason Burke struggles to find answers as the tight cohesion of his crew seems to dissolve. No matter the outcome of the mission, can Jason keep Omega Force together once the dust settles?
Return of the Archon is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
SECRET OF THE PHOENIX (Omega Force Book 6)
Captain Jason Burke has begun to suspect that the random attacks on his ship and crew over the last couple of years may not be so random after all. Evidence is mounting that there is something on the Phoenix … something that powerful factions will stop at nothing to get their hands on.
Secret of the Phoenix is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
REDEMPTION (Omega Force Book 7)
There is a fine line between right and wrong, good and evil. For years Jason Burke has straddled that line as best he can, always convinced that despite the violence carried out by him and his team they were firmly on the right side of that line. But as he reflects on his time with Omega Force, he begins to have his doubts.
Redemption is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
THE HUMAN FACTOR (Omega Force Book 8)
Captain Jason Burke is a man apart, and not just because he’s the only of his kind for thousands of lightyears in any direction. The changes to his body and to his genetic code have made him faster, stronger, more able to survive in his dangerous occupation … but they’ve also ensured that he’ll never truly fit in with others of his species. He always assumed he would live and die with his crew and never lay eyes on another human again, so he was completely unprepared for the crisis that is brought to his doorstep.
The Human Factor is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
REVOLUTION (Omega Force Book 9)
For thousands of years the ConFed has been the most powerful force in the quadrant. It is the umbrella under which hundreds of planets and trillions of beings live in relative peace … despite the corruption and waste, it's a system that most accept as preferable to the chaos that would ensue in its absence.
Revolution is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
LEGENDS NEVER DIE (Omega Force Book 10)
Jason Burke is a broken man. The loss of his friend and crewmate on an ill-fated mission to a Pillar World has left him in a downward spiral of rage and self-destruction.
But what if Lucky hadn’t actually died on that planet?
While Omega Force tries to pull itself together for the sake of their friend they also learn that a ruthless new faction has seized control of the ConFed Council and now threatens the stability of the entire quadrant. To make matters worse, the rise of this new regime might be their fault.
Legends Never Die is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
REBELLION (Omega Force Book 11)
Omega Force needs allies, and needs them quickly. After the unprovoked invasion of a neighboring superpower by the ConFed, Jason finds out that most of their military hadn't been destroyed but instead remains hidden while the ConFed continues to hunt them down. If he can find the missing fleets and convince them to join his fight, he just might be able to hit back at the Machine before it invades another sovereign nation.
Rebellion is available as an eBook - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
Rebellion is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
THE PANDORA PARADOX (Omega Force Book 12)
It started with a revolution nobody had even realized occurred…
Its cruelty sparked a rebellion that everyone refused to admit existed…
Now, the Machine—a terrifying and relentless enemy—reigns supreme in the galaxy, and the real fight is just beginning.
The Pandora Paradox is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
TO HELL AND BACK (Omega Force Book 13)
A new killer is cutting a bloody swath through the frontier worlds.
Rumors of its exploits are spreading and, like a ghost, nobody even knows what it looks like.
Captain Jason Burke and his crew watch this growing menace with a mix of unease… and guilt. They know who this killer is. He used to be one of them.
To Hell and Back is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
UNLEASHED (Omega Force Book 14)
The ConFed has ruled the galactic quadrant for nearly two thousand years. During that time a relative peace has been kept by threat of force from their mighty fleet. But as with all things, their dominance must come to an end.
Now that the ConFed is crumbling and their fleet is withdrawing back to the Core Worlds, the strong are once again preying on the weak. In the border regions, trafficking rings have popped up alongside the refugee pipelines making the journey for new colonists a treacherous one.
Captain Jason Burke has learned of an especially brutal cartel operating within the Luuxir Border Region and is now intent on doing something about it. The cartel has been operating in the area unchecked, but Jason and the rest of Omega Force are about to change that.
The Pandora Paradox is available as an eBook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
Terran Scout Fleet series
MARINE (Terran Scout Fleet Book 1)
Aliens exist... and, as it turns out, most of them aren't that friendly. Jacob Brown wasn't even born yet the first time they attacked Earth. He was only fourteen the second time it happened.
When Earth finally came together and fielded its first spaceborne military, Jacob didn't hesitate to volunteer. Serving aboard a mighty starship, he'd be able to defend his planet--and his family--when, inevitably, they came again.
Marine is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
BONESHAKER (Terran Scout Fleet Book 2)
Marine First Lieutenant Jacob Brown is bored.
For months he's been sitting around on an alien planet, waiting for command to recall his scout team so they could rest and be re-outfitted. The team went through hell during their previous mission, losing both their commanding officer and their ship. For now, Jacob was acting CO of Scout Team Obsidian and their ship was a broken down old surplus combat shuttle they'd stolen from narco-smugglers on a planet called Niceen-3.
When command finally does reach out, however, it isn't to order Obsidian home for some much needed R&R. Instead, they are being reactivated and sent out into the contested space of the recently conquered Eshquarian Empire to track down a single Terran cruiser called the Eagle's Talon.
Boneshaker is available as an eBook & audiobook - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
VAPOR TRAILS (Terran Scout Fleet Book 3)
Marine Lieutenant Jacob Brown was on borrowed time, and he knew it.
He was a rogue element, disobeying orders and pursuing mission goals of his own. His Scout Team had been burned, disavowed by his chain of command and the owner of the stolen ship he was flying was after them to get it back. To make matters even more complicated, the man Jacob had stolen the ship from is an infamous outlaw and mercenary named Jason Burke… his father.
Being hunted down by both the United Earth Navy and the mercenary group that called itself Omega Force, Jacob has only one chance to keep his team out of a military prison and bring down the head of the One World terrorist faction that always seemed to be three steps ahead of him… and that was only if his father didn't catch him first.
Vapor Trails is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
HEAVY METAL (Terran Scout Fleet Book 4)
Captain Jacob Brown knew something was up when the United Earth Navy sent two capital warships to their small outpost base. Nobody ever came out to Mosler Station unless they had to.
Scout Team Obsidian was scheduled to stand down after two lengthy deployments, letting the team recuperate and rest, but leadership had other ideas. A prototype weapon system has been stolen from Earth and Obsidian is being called up to track it down.
What appears to be a simple search and recovery mission on the surface will push the team and its captain to the brink as they wade into the middle of a civil war on a far-flung world. Tracking the thieves was one thing, taking back what they stole would be something else entirely.
Heavy Metal is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
AFTERSHOCK (Terran Scout Fleet Book 5)
“I thought we were on leave!”
Scout Team Obsidian has been stood down after an especially brutal mission to reacquire a stolen mech called the Atlas. During that mission team leader Jacob Brown lost his left hand and eye. He is still adjusting to his new prosthetics and was looking forward to a well-earned vacation.
That will have to wait, however, as a new mission tasking has come down from the very top… and it’s a big one. Someone has been preying on colonist ships and refugee pipelines in the frontier regions. Millions have already been abducted including hundreds of thousands of humans.
Scout Fleet has been ordered to find the missing people and find the ringleaders of the trafficking operation. Admiral Marcus Webb needs his very best, and that means Captain Brown and the rest of his crew. Obsidian is now racing the clock to find the missing people and determine who is running the operation before Earth’s leadership does something rash.
Aftershock is available as an eBook
& paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
BLACKHEART (Terran Scout Fleet Book 6)
It’s a name that is infamous within the galactic quadrant. A name that inspires awe.
… and fear.
For nearly a century the famed assassin has struck terror within the hearts of those she has been hired to terminate. In that time the Viper, a human cyborg named Carolyn Whitney, has been a lone wolf. She prefers being on her own, neither requiring nor desiring the company of others. She has very few people she can consider a friend, and now one of those is coming for her.
The Viper’s latest hit has put her in Earth’s crosshairs and Captain Jacob Brown has been tasked with bringing her in. Or, barring that, putting her down. Captain Brown, a genetic augment, has tangled with the Viper before… and lost. Will he prevail in the rematch?
Blackheart is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
unification war trilogy
BATTLEGROUND (Unification War Trilogy Book 1)
This war was inevitable.
After two brutal, bloody struggles for their very existence against two implacable alien foes, humanity is victorious, but not at peace.
As distrust and accusations consume the political discourse between the two major factions, the Eastern Star Alliance military has already begun executing small raiding missions into United Terran Federation space. The Federation fleet, still reeling from the last war, is in no shape to try and protect its own borders.
Battleground is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
NO QUARTER (Unification War Trilogy Book 2)
Humanity is fractured and on the brink of war…
The United Terran Federation and the Eastern Star Alliance have been fighting in minor skirmishes along the border region for the last few years, but now it threatens to break out into a full-on war with the victor assuming control of all human space.
The Alliance has fired the opening shots with a horrific strike on a civilian target, killing millions and shocking the Federation's parliament into action. Now mighty fleets of starships are moving against each other, ready for the final battle that will settle the conflict once and for all.
No Quarter is available as an eBook and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
EMPIRE (Unification War Trilogy Book 3)
The final fight for control of humanity begins now.
The United Terran Federation is on the brink of collapse after a devastating attack by the Eastern Star Alliance that has left four planets depopulated and uninhabitable. Terrified member worlds are fleeing from the Federation and the remnant of their once-mighty fleet has retreated to the last place they are welcome: Earth.
Out of options and time, the Federation turns to Admiral Jackson Wolfe and his new superweapon that could be the key to turning the tide of the war in their favor. Admiral Wolfe knows that no matter what, the fate of humanity will be decided in the coming battle.
Empire is available as an eBook, audiobook & paperback - and free to read in the Kindle Unlimited Program.
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