Introducing DSF: Rising Above the Noise

Many long ages ago, before I was a full time science fiction author (in other words, in 2015), I was a senior scientist at Dynetics in Huntsville, Alabama. As a medium-sized technology company, it mainly does defense contracting, but recently it's been winning quite a few NASA contracts (including one last year that I wrote!) and moving aggressively into the space industry.

Writing proposals for NASA funding is a bit like writing science fiction novels. Not in the sense that you're making stuff up, shooting up large alien spaceships with full phasers and burning through a (metric, not standard) ton of tax dollars, but in the sense that, in both situations, you need to set aside how things are done now, and imagine the possible. You need to get your mind in the future and think, what if?

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The DiscoverSciFi mailing list offers subscribers a chance to learn about new and upcoming releases and discounts by some of the biggest-selling names in science fiction today…and to get a free bestselling book just for signing up.

The Inside Sci Fi feature will be offering ongoing articles, excerpts of upcoming stories, and interviews with some of your favorite authors.  It is the place to get the earliest look at new and upcoming releases from the authors who are shaping science fiction today, so be sure to stop by and check out each week's update.

Who are the authors behind DiscoverSciFi?  We're a group that has collectively sold more than 5,000,000 books over the past several years.  We sell over 2,000,000 books a year, and a number of our titles have been optioned for film and TV rights.  Our books have been put out by some of the largest names in publishing, and we also self-publish dozens of titles a year.  And we love our readers.  Which is why we created DiscoverSciFi…to bring us closer to all of you, to give us a way to communicate, to offer discounted books, and to let you all know what is coming up from us.  And to give stuff away!  We're starting with a blast, with our $100,000 giveaway.  The grand prize is a library of 40 signed print copies of our books. Plus, 2,500 participants will receive a collection of ebooks, one from each of us.

Who are we?  We're Matthew Mather, Nick Webb, Samuel Peralta, Nicholas Sansbury Smith, Michael Grumley, Evan Currie, Autumn Kalquist, Jay Allan, Darren Wearmouth, and Joshua Dalzelle. Many of you know some of us, but we'll be introducing ourselves to all of you in the weeks to come.  This is the place to get the latest information on upcoming books and series…and an inside look at what is happening to some of your favorite characters.  So, remember to stop by each week for the leading edge of science fiction today.