Geek Grotto: Geek Your Home Library
In an earlier edition of the Geek Grotto, I shared some fun Star Wars decor and appliances for your home. This week, we're looking at the home library. Okay, okay, most of us don't have real dedicated libraries, but if you're a reader, you've probably got a spot full of books and hopefully a comfy chair. I went digging and found some fun things that might inspire you to revamp your reading nook. Geek style.
First off, appropriate book shelves are a must for a geeky book worm. This Instructables article will teach you how to build an Enterprise shelf. Hey, as long as you're stuck at home, why not take up woodworking?
Tetris Book cases
If you prefer to purchase bookshelves, you can find a number of Etsy sellers willing to bring some old-school games to life. Nothing fits together quite like Tetris blocks.
Once you've got your bookshelves sorted, you're going to need some appropriately geeky book ends to prevent any spillage. I confess that I'm an owner of the alien abduction book ends from this seller (Knob Creek Metal Arts). I picked them up for a gift a couple of years ago and somehow forgot to give them away. I had to get something else for that particular person.
Book nooks, or little artistic inserts that go between your books on your shelves, are an up-and-coming trend right now. There are a whole bunch of them you can check out (including one inspired by Blade Runner) in this Bored Panda post. The one above was inspired by The Hobbit.

Captain Kirk chair
And what about a comfy reading chair for the library? I'm sad to inform you that this $5,000 Captain Kirk chair is no longer in production, but perhaps someone can let us know if there's a how-to out there for the handyman Original Trek fan.
In the meantime, perhaps this far more affordable (and available) Star Wars Wampa bean bag chair would do. Who doesn't love a bean bag for chilling around the house?
Books coffee table
Once you've got your book shelves and chair sorted out, you'll need a table. This one isn't for sale and appears rather homemade, but maybe if you need another DIY project? A proper books coffee table should be sufficient for holding your drinks and e-reader.
And finally… these shelves aren't for books, but for all you gamers in the house, here's a way to display all the cool dice you've picked up over the years. I found this piece at the Fun Board Games Etsy shop.
Do you have any geeky things in your book nook?

Lindsay has early memories of convincing childhood friends, pets, and stuffed animals to play the roles of characters in her worlds, so it’s safe to say she’s been making up stories for a long time.
When she’s not writing, she’s usually hiking with her dogs, practicing yoga, playing tennis, or eating entirely too much dark chocolate (she only does one of those things truly well, and she will let you guess which it is). She grew up in the Seattle area and still visits the Pacific Northwest frequently, but after realizing she was solar powered, she moved to Arizona and now lives in the mountains north of Phoenix.
She's written several sci-fi series: Fallen Empire, Sky Full of Stars & Star Kingdom.
You can follow Lindsay on Facebook, Twitter and her website.