Five Dinosaurs That Could Kill a T-Rex

Tyrannosaurus rex. The king of dinosaurs. Beloved (and feared) by dinosaur fans around the world. So dreadfully awesome a beast, its bones are rumored to have inspired the legend of the dragon. 

The T-Rex is undisputedly the most famous of all dinos. Since discovery in 1905, the dreaded predator has fascinated us. Brought alive by the magic of film (and the imagination of filmmakers), T-Rex has battled King Kong, fought alongside Optimus Prime, and given Jeff Goldblum a serious run for his money.

When it comes to pop-culture, our enchantment with T-Rex doesn't end there: There is a British glam rock band named after this prehistoric king; take a quick tour of any toy store and you'll find countless T-Rex toys; and, have you seen the inflatable T-Rex costumes all over TikTok? Forget fifteen minutes of fame. Millions upon millions of years running, T-Rex is still all the rage. 

In popular culture, Tyrannosaurus rex is portrayed as the deadliest dinosaur, and undoubtedly, it was a fearsome predator. But was Rexy really the undisputed King of the Cretaceous? The Mistress of the Mesozoic? Maybe not.

There were a number of other formidable dinosaurs, some which would
have struck fear even into the heart of our ferocious T-Rex. Here are five dinosaurs that could (just maybe) kill a T-Rex.



This dinosaur was essentially a living tank. Ankylosaurus was covered with armored plates from head to tail, including—believe it or not—its eyelids! Weighing over three tons, this dinosaur was big, powerful, and deadly. In addition to its suit of armor, Ankylosaurus boasted a terrifying weapon: A bony club that sprouted from its tail, which the dinosaur could swing like a wrecking ball, pulverizing any predator foolhardy enough to attack.

But how would it fare against a T-Rex? For starters, Rexy would for sure have trouble biting through that armor. And Ankylosaurus wouldn't just sit there, letting the T-Rex gnaw away now would he? Not a chance. With a quick whack of its clubbed tail, Ankylosaurus could likely shatter a T-Rex's bones, perhaps even killing the fearsome carnivore.

Ankylosaurus was definitely a dinosaur that could kill a T-Rex.



One of the greatest rivalries of the Cretaceous was Triceratops vs.Tyrannosaurus rexTriceratops (trike for short) was proof that herbivores were no pushovers. This enormous dinosaur could weigh more than two elephants, and its imposing horns would have have filled the nightmares of many would-be predators. A foot wide at their base, the horns tapered into mean points that could skewer a T-Rex.

The Triceratops boasted a colossal skull and sported a huge frill of protective, solid bone topped with hornlets. From the tip of its beak to the spiked rim of its frill, a trike's head could reach ten feet long and weigh a cool ton. This entire gargantuan skull was attached to the body via a ball joint, allowing the Triceratops to swivel its head around with remarkable speed, bringing his horns to bear on his enemies.

A T-Rex who attacked a Triceratops was taking a big risk. The battle could go either way. The T-Rex might emerge victorious and enjoy a feast, but just as likely, the hunted would become the hunter. With a powerful build and deadly horns, Triceratops was another dinosaur that could kill a T-Rex.



T-Rex is often called King of the Dinosaurs. But when it comes to size, he had a challenger. Giganotosaurus was among the largest carnivores to ever walk the land. And while we have never found a complete Giganotosaurus skeleton, we know from the fragments we've dug up, that this was a giant. Some scientists believe Giganotosaurus was even larger than T-Rex. Large enough to swallow a human whole, gigas were apex predators in their environment who likely fed on young sauropods.

In this battle of titans, the two foes were evenly matched. On a good day, the giant, powerful Giganotosaurus could definitely kill a T-rex.

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A dweller of swamps and shallow water, Spinosaurus was among the largest carnivorous dinosaurs. It was lighter than a T-rex but longer. From nostrils to tail tip, it was as long as a sperm whale, and far meaner than Ahab's nemesis. The dinosaur had a snout like a crocodile, long and full of nasty teeth which were smaller than those of a T-Rex, but more plentiful. The skull was enormous—longer than a man was tall— and while the carnivore walked on two legs like a T-Rex, unlike a T-Rex it had long arms tipped with terrible claws.

Spinosaurus also boasted a unique feature: rows of spikes rose along its back. Scaly skin stretched between these spines, forming a sail likely used to intimidate rivals and attract mates.

Leaping out of the water, snapping at the T-rex like a crocodile from hell, the Spinosaurus could very possibly emerge victorious.



Sauropods—herbivores with long necks—were the largest dinosaurs that ever lived. There were many sauropod species, the most famous of which was the Brontosaurus. The Brontosaurus however, was not the largest. Bigger even than the Brontosaurus was the titan Dreadnoughtus.

Their name means "fear nothing." They made Brontosaurs seem puny. Longer than blue whales, a human would stand shorter than their knees. Dreadnoughtus was so titanic it was essentially predator proof. This dinosaur was a herbivore, but like fellow herbivoreTriceratops, it was no pushover. Its powerful legs could kick and crush with ease. Its tail could whip through the air, pulverizing its enemies. It was ten times the size of a T-Rex, and it could easily kill one.

What do you think? Do you agree that these formidable five dinosaurs could kill a T-Rex? Do you know any other dinosaurs that could defeat the king? Let us know in the comments.

And then be sure to pick up Daniel Arenson's latest dino-riffic release, Mintari. Available now in all formats, including the audiobook with a full cast narration.

Get A World of Dinosaurs (Mintari Book 1) on eBook and audiobook.

23 replies
  1. ExposerB)
    ExposerB) says:

    Based on research, it is not USUAL for the T-rex to die to a Trike as it is a 50/50, especially with the T-rex having the ability to snap the weapons of a Trike by merely biting it because of it’s bone-crushing bite force that is stronger than that of a Giga, 50/50, not 30(rex)/70(trike), for Giga, I mean, true it can kill a T-rex with a 40(Giga)/60(Rex), the T-rex has better experience, strategies, and IQ. Spino and T-rex, same with T-rex vs Giga. T-rex to Anky, trouble with biting it? No. The T-rex, as mentioned, has a bone-crushing bite with more than 6 or 7 tons weight, it’s bite would’ve been enough to bite through the thick armor of Ankylosaurus, especially the neck. Dreadnoughtus… 0(Rex unless mutated, lol)/10(Dreadnoughtus). Now, let’s see how the T-rex can kill them, Trike: Break the horns and kill, or dodge attack(simple step to the side, no agility needed) and bite and eat alive. Anky: Anky’s attack have recoils, he can wait for the recoil and snap Anky’s neck. Giga: the T-rex can bite the Giga’s hands off to let it suffer, then it will bite the neck and cause fatal damage, same goes with fighting a Spino.

        • Alhan
          Alhan says:

          Every one thinks spino can easily defeate a trex as jurrasic park 3 shown spino killing a trex but it false really a trex can kill spino not easily but in other hand if the fight is happening in water trex will not have any chance

        • Perrius Max
          Perrius Max says:

          Spinosaurs were in NO way stronger than Rex. Rex’s bite force alone is enough to pull this in favor of Rex. But the fact of the matter is that Spinosaur lived on a different continent and died off before Rex made the scene, so these two would never have faced off. Spinosaur spent much of its time in the water. Now…hypothetically of course … if Rex waded into some deeper water… Spinosaur would have the edge on Rex.

    • MuhdHarith
      MuhdHarith says:

      I dont think the rex can kill the anky by biting their neck because anky neck has the armour plate too. What do you think about it?
      Love dinosaurus👍🦖

      • MuhdHarith
        MuhdHarith says:

        And i forgot to say that i dont think rex can bite the anky armour plate because it just like you bite something hard like wooden. Do your teeth hurt? Yes it hurt.😔. Unless the rex has strong teeth.💪.

    • Alhan
      Alhan says:

      Trex can kill anky by pushing them and biting their stomach. Tri having ball and socket join in neck which help their neck move quick of if trex came from side it can easily turn their head , In research trex is living in group so if 2 or more trex means they can kill tri . The largest dino live on earth is 149 meter which is bigger then a blue Whale 120 meter if 2 or more trex are their means also they can defeate trex

    • TJ brooks
      TJ brooks says:

      ok, the giga would win and I know this how you ask, well look the trex may have a big bite force but the giga other hand bigger jaw and more teeth so the giga would yes maybe if it loses but the giga can step back and then take to bite and giga already wins but what do I know right?

    • K
      K says:

      I dot understand any if your slang in this comment. In jurassic Park 3 the spinosauous killed the t Rex but it was unbelievable. But I jurassic work 3 the thing they made killing the t Rex very believable.

  2. owen
    owen says:

    bro a spino could not beat the trex it would easily kill the spino Jurassic world is capping but Jurassic park is sigma because they guessed a dinosaur existed before they even found it


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