Ten Scariest Aliens

Space. It’s dark. It’s unexplored. Let’s face it, it can be scary.

Space is like the darkness under our bed. Like a closet door ajar in the night. Like a shadowy cave where a predator might lurk.

We humans evolved to fear the unknown darkness. Is it any wonder science fiction is full of scary aliens?

Today we’ll look at top scariest aliens in science fiction.

10. Ferengi

We put the Ferengi at number 10 because, let’s face it, they aren’t too scary. Originally, the guys at Star Trek wanted to create a formidable antagonist. An alien race that would strike some serious fear into the heart of the Federation. They designed aliens they thought would be demonic. The result was . . . less than terrifying. Thankfully, with Deep Space Nine, Star Trek pivoted and began to humanize the Ferengi, creating a much more interesting race.

9. Sarlacc

A pit full of tentacles and teeth is pretty scary. Especially when it will digest you over a thousand years, keeping you alive throughout the process. We’re gonna give these guys a wide berth. The Sarlacc from Star Wars clocks in at our 9th scariest alien.

8. Starship Troopers Bugs

The Arachnids from Starship Troopers are brutal. With their vicious mandibles and claws, they love nothing more than ripping humans apart. They can inflict serious damage even upon the bravest space marines. We’ll never forget the Battle of Klendathu.

7. Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Aliens and homicidal clowns? Okay, that’s a double dose of evil right there. These terrifying aliens star in a cult 1980s horror film. They’re Pennywise meets Predator. No thanks. We’re staying far away from that circus.

6. They Live aliens

The aliens from They Live are particularly scary because they live among us. They disguise themselves as humans. Only with special sunglasses can you see their true, hideous forms. Could they be living among us right now?

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5. Doctor Who's Weeping Angels

Opening our top five are the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. They terrified a generation of Whovians, and are largely considered the scariest alien from Doctor Who. And that’s saying something. When you look at them, they appear like weeping angel statues, the kind you see in graveyards. But if you so much as blink, they transform into something hideous … and attack. Don’t blink!

4. Predators

The Predators are among the most fearsome aliens in the galaxy. This race of spacefaring hunters won’t only kill you. They’ll save your skull as a trophy. A single Predator can wipe out an entire platoon of elite human commandos. If you see one, cover yourself in mud and hide.

3. Xenomorphs

The Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise terrified a generation. Even if you’re not a big science fiction fan, you probably know them. And fear them. We first saw one burst out of John Hurt’s chest in 1979. We’re still traumatized.

2. Grays from Fire in the Sky

They might not have claws like Xenomorphs or fangs like Predators. But the aliens from Fire in the Sky are terrors from your worst nightmares. They will strap you down and perform sadistic medical experiments on you. Honestly? We’d rather face a Predator’s jaws than these guys’ scalpels.

1. John Carpenter's The Thing

Our scariest alien is the Thing. We’re not quite sure how to describe it. Maybe because it can take so many forms, each more hideous than the last. Jon Carpenter’s film took science fiction and drenched it with body horror.

Honorable Mention: Mac

We had to include a little bonus alien. Mac from Mac & Me. This 80's children’s film attempt to rip off E.T., following the plot almost exactly. But its version of E.T., named Mac, was anything but cute. He was slimy, stretchy, and to be honest, pretty damn creepy.

What do you think of our list? How would YOU rank the top ten scariest aliens? Let us know in the comments, or by joining in on the debate in the DSF Reader Group on Facebook.

Daniel Arenson is a bookworm, proud geek, and USA Today bestselling author of fantasy and science fiction. His novels have sold over a million copies. He's written over sixty novels in multiple series.

He is best known for Earthrise, the story of Earth struggling to rise after a devastating alien invasion. The Earthrise universe is explored in three series: Earthrise The Original Series, Soldiers of Earthrise, and Children of Earthrise.

In addition to Earthrise, Daniel has written the comedic sci-fi trilogy Alien Hunters.

He's also written several epic fantasy series: Kingdoms of Sand, MothRequiem.

You can follow Daniel on FacebookTwitter and his website.

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